Lowongan Kerja di Bali tanggal 16 September 2013.
Teman-teman, informasinya di bawah ini:
- Dicari Front Office, Bellboy, House Keeping, Security, Driver, Engineering, Waitress, Waiter, Senior Cook, Bartender untuk Hotel. Hubungi : PO BOX 2005
- Coco Group butuh : SPG / SPB, Supervisor, HRD, Supervisor Accounting & Finance, Drafter, Admin, Gudang, Sopir, Security. Lamaran Jalan Batur Raya No. 33 Taman Griya Jimbaran. Email : hrm@cocogroupbali.com
- Kapal Pesiar MSC butuh Laundryman / Linen, Poolboy, Cook (Gardenmanger & Butler), Cook Sushi Chinese, Pastry & Bakery, Tailor, Upholster (minimal SMU / SMK, having the experience caring & maintenance) Bar Waiter / Waitress, Kitchen Utility. BPC Jalan Pulau Ayu XIII/3 Teuku Umar Denpasar, Phone : (0361) 238513, Email : info@baliparadisecrews.com
- Dicari Staff Gudang Baju dengan syarat : Wanita, maksimal 30 tahun, minimal SLTA / Sederajat, bisa Komputer (Microsoft Word, Excel, Internet / Email) belum menikah, tidak sedang kuliah, calm under pressure, jujur, cekatan, teliti, flexible, diutamakan pengalaman, Telepon : (0361) 8450511. Kirim CV ke lostinparadise639@gmail.com
- Busy Restaurant Base Seminyak looking for Bartender & Cook, must have experience. Telepon : (0361) 8247939 email mayun_raiwati@yahoo.com
- Dibutuhkan segera Cook, Chef de Partie, Pastry Chef, kerja tim, minimal 3 tahun pengalaman. Lamaran ke dita@dijon-bali.com / (0361) 759661 Dijon Cafe
- Dicari Akunting minimal D3, Marketing / Operation minimal D3, Satpam bersertifikat, Sopir, Office Boy. Lamaran + CV dikirim ke alamat : PT. Masatya 777 Jalan Dr. Ir. Soekarno 77Y, Kediri Tabanan / email : ligapuri@yahoo.co.id
- Dicari Front Office bisa Bahasa Mandarin / Japan / English. Manager Marketing & Staff untuk Bali Ratu Spa & Wangi Ratu Spa Product. Kirim CV ke Bali Ratu Spa Jalan Kartika Plaza 18 Kuta / info@baliratuspa.com
- Front Office Staff & BellBoy needed must speak English and work shift, no experience needed as training provided call (0361) 761464 or email CV to jeni@kutatownhouses.com
- Int'l Property Agent is looking for property listing agent, Good English, must able to operate Microsoft Office and drive motorbike and car. Send CV and recent photo to ebenyamin@exotiq.com
- Largest Club Bali urgently needed : Chief Accounting, Architect, Engineering IT, Bartender, Drafsmen, S1 female accounting, Waitress and Cook. CV to : staff@61legian.com
- Looking for Marketing Admin experience in furniture local + export. English spoken send CV to : marketing.bali@yuni-furniture.com
- Marketing Esekutif (PE), Sales (pengalaman call centre) Produk terkenal Gaji, Uang Makan, Transport, Bonus, Jenjang karir. Sopir, SIM A / B, rajin, mengerti mesin. Hubungi : Maha Sri Dana Jalan Cokroaminoto Utara 495 Sempidi. Telepon : 2120091, Fax : 9279633 , 7407829 , 081337833467 email : msdaxis@yahoo.com
- PT. Agung Automall Toyota Main Dealer bergabung bersama kami dapatkan fasilitas : Income tidak terbatas , jalan-jalan keluar negeri , tunjangan kesehatan, karier, karyawan tetap. Lamaran : PT. Agung Automall Jalan Pahlawan No. 13 Tuban, Telepon : (0361) 810888
- Produk Coconut Shell Briquette untuk Barbecue terbaik teruji sudah export ke Eropa, Amerika, Australia, Asia, Afrika butuh segera 1. Area Sales Manager, 2. Sales Supervisor, 3. Salesman Senior, 4. Customer Service, Wanita, minimal SLTA / D3 Pengalaman, jujur. Silahkan SMS ke 081905539336 / 087780698918
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