Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Mojokerto April 2013 - Pada hari ini saya akan memberikan Daftar Lowongan Kerja di daerah Mojokerto untuk bulan April 2013,lowongan kali ini di butuhkan untuk bekerja sebagai Delivery Transportation Supervisor,Warehouse Supervisor,Kabag Produksi,Spv Produksi,Spv Accounting.Lowongan ini sangatlah cocok buat Anda yang bertempat tinggal di daerah Mojokerto dan sekitarnya.Langsung saja saya berikan Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Mojokerto April 2013 di bawah ini :
PT Berdiri Matahari Logistik
We are an International Freight Forwarder, as an agent of Hitachi Transport System Ltd (Japan) and was established in 1996. where our scope of business ranges from import clearance, heavy cargo transport, 3PL, machine installation until export handling to overseas countries, Our company is urgently looking for qualified personnel for the following positions:
Delivery Transportation Supervisor
Mojokerto (Jawa Timur) - Ngoro Industrial Park, Jl. Raya Ngoro - Mojokerto
Working under limited supervision using standardized practices and/or methods;
Directing other persons within a department,
Large work unit, and/or across several small work units;
Tracking budget expenditures.
Utilization of resources from other work units is often required to perform the job's functions
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Logistic/Transportation or equivalent.
Required language(s): English, Japanese (will be advantage)
At least 4 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Applicants must be willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park,Jl. Raya Ngoro - Mojokerto.
Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Logistics/Supply Chain or equivalent.
2 Full-Time position(s) available.
Please send your application and CV
Penutupan: 20 April 2013
PT Berdiri Matahari Logistik
We are an International Freight Forwarder, as an agent of Hitachi Transport System Ltd (Japan) and was established in 1996. where our scope of business ranges from import clearance, heavy cargo transport, 3PL, machine installation until export handling to overseas countries, Our company is urgently looking for qualified personnel for the following positions:
Warehouse Supervisor
Mojokerto (Jawa Timur) - Ngoro Industrial Park, Jl. Raya Ngoro - Mojokerto
Plan warehouse work operations in accordance with shipments, received, store orders, perish-ability, and stock rotation requirements.
Schedule and assign warehouse crew and equipment to meet schedules to handle daily volume efficiently.
Supervise warehouse crews in a unionized environment.
Supervise truck loading, order selecting, and receiving.
Ability to coach, train, and lead work teams to achieve performance as it relates to specialization in receiving, processing, storage, order assembly or loading
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Logistic/Transportation or equivalent.
Required skill(s): warehouse and inventory management, Warehouse And Logistic Management.
At least 4 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Applicants must be willing to work in Ngoro Industrial Park,Jl. Raya Ngoro - Mojokerto.
Preferably Supervisor / Coordinators specializing in Logistics/Supply Chain or equivalent.
Full-Time position(s) available.
Please send your application and CV not later than 30 June 2011 to:
Penutupan: 20 April 2013
PT Mitracitra mandirioffsett
Kami Group Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Paper & Packaging Nasional & Internasional membutuhkan kandidat yang professional dan berintegritas tinggi untuk menempati posisi sebagai:
Kabag Produksi
Kabag Produksi
Jawa Timur - Jln Raya Jasem, Desa Jasem Kecamatan Mojokerto
Laki Laki
Usia 28 Tahun - 40 Tahun
Pengalaman Dibidangnya Min 3 Tahun
Lokasi Penempatan di Jasem-Mojokerto
PT. Mitracitra Mandiri Offset
Email : oyi@mitrapackaging.com
Cc : oyi_ananda@hotmail.com
Penutupan: 21 April 2013
PT Mitracitra mandirioffsett
Kami Group Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Paper & Packaging Nasional & Internasional membutuhkan kandidat yang professional dan berintegritas tinggi untuk menempati posisi sebagai:
Spv Produksi - Ngoro
Jawa Timur - Jln Raya Jasem, Desa Jasem Kecamatan Mojokerto
Usia 27 thn - 35 thn
Pendidikan min.s-1
Pengalaman di bidangnya min 2 thn
Lokasi penempatan di jasem-ngoro
PT. Mitracitra Mandiri Offset
Email : oyi@mitrapackaging.com
Cc : oyi_ananda@hotmail.com
Penutupan: 21 April 2013
PT Mitracitra mandirioffsett
Kami Group Perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang Paper & Packaging yang tergolong sebagai salah satu dari 5 perusahaan terbesar di bidang tersebut di Asia Tenggara & Pasifik membutuhkan kandidat yang professional dan berintegritas tinggi untuk menempati posisi sebagai:
Spv Accounting
Mojokerto (Jawa Timur), Sidoarjo (Jawa Timur)
Mengawasi lapopran transaksi, pembebanan biaya pada masing-masing job order, persediaan barang dan hutang piutang, agar informasi akuntasi yang dihasilkan dapat terkontrol
Pria/wanita, usia maksimal 35 tahun.
Pendidikan Minimal S1 Jurusan Accounting
IPK minimal 3,00.
Berpengalaman di bidang Accounting minimal 2 tahun
Mempunyai rasa tangggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan.
Memiliki kemampuan Numerik yang baik
Mampu Bekerja secara Individual maupun Team.
Memiliki kemampuan untuk memimpin.
Penempatan kerja di wilayah Sidoarjo & Mojokerto
Jl. Raya Beringin Bendo No.42 Kecamatan.Taman. Kabupaten Sidoarjo(JATIM)
Telp. (031) 7886564 Fax. (031) 7886573
E-mail : acmei@mitrapackaging.com
Penutupan: 20 April 2013
Sekian Daftar Lowongan Kerja yang dapat saya berikan kepada Anda mengenai Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Mojokerto April 2013,semoga informasi yang saya berikan bisa bermanfaat buat Anda.Good Job.
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