Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Banjarmasin Mei 2013 - Pada hari ini kami akan memberikan Daftar Lowongan Kerja di daerah Banjarmasin untuk bulan Mei 2013,Daftar Lowongan Kerja yang kami berikan ini untuk semua jenjang pendidikan mulai dari SMP,SMA/SMK,D3 dan S1 tergantung pihak perusahaan yang di inginkan.Dengan ini tidak menutup kemungkinan semua pendidikan dapat memperoleh suatu pekerjaan yang sepantasnya.Lowongan ini sangatlah cocok buat Anda yang bertempat tinggal di daerah Banjarmasin dan sekitarnya.Langsung saja kami berikan Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Banjarmasin Mei 2013 di bawah ini :

PT SMART Tbk is one of the largest, publicly-listed, integrated palm-based consumer companies in Indonesia which is committed to sustainable palm oil production.SMART listed its shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 1992.
SMART is a subsidiary of Golden Agri-Resources Ltd ("GAR"), which is one of the largest palm-based companies in the world which is listed on the Singapore Exchange. SMART also manages all of GAR's oil palm plantations, which has a total planted area of 459,500 hectares (including small holders) in Indonesia, as at 30 September 2010.
Due to our fast expansion we are in needs of several professional who are outstanding and high motivated to fill the position of:
Head of Operations - Senior Manager Transport (To Be Based in Banjarmasin)
Jakarta Raya
Financial & Management :
Prepare and manage annual budget for transport operations including operational planning and cost, human resources, fleet renewal and capital expenditure for all transport operations.
Involved in Fleet strategy, selection & assessment.
Ensure standard service level provided meets with the KPI set including operation measurement, financial, HR and safety performance.
Lead team for continuous improvement project to improving operational system and or reduce operational cost.
Day to day Operations:
Lead, plan and organize the teams to manage land transport operations to support all operations in the site(s)
Ensure on time delivery from on time as per schedule.
Ensure all employees in Transport Division comply with OSHE standard, proactive to seek potential hazard & risk to ensure smooth operation.
Ensure that operation result meet with the company’s objective/KPI like the profitability operation, tracking fleet efficiency & productivity, mechanical availability, On Time Performance, and other measurements.
Minimum of 5 years of experience preferably in the Agribusiness / Mining Industry as the Operational Manager including exposure in Transport Management
Bachelor’s degree of any major
Possesses good communication and interpersonal skills
Strong leadership and capable of working under pressure and deadlines
Willingness to be based in Pekanbaru is a must.
Application & resume must be sent within 14 days after this advertisement to:
Penutupan: 19 Mei 2013
PT TNT Skypak International Express
To support our growth, we challenge GREAT PEOPLE to apply for the positions below:
Staff Gudang (Banjarmasin)
Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan)
Posisi ini akan bertanggung jawab untuk mencetak dan mendistirbusikan delivery note kepada vendor, mengecek fisik barang, dan memastikan delivery note sesuai dengan barang yang dipesan.
Pendidikan min SMU, Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 (satu) tahun di bidang pergudangan dan lapangan, Bertanggung jawab.
Kirim surat lamaran yang lengkap paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini, ke:
Jl. A. Yani Km 7.6 No. 20C, Banjarmasin 70654.
Penutupan: 29 Mei 2013
PT Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia
Perfetti Van Melle is a leading candy & confectionary company -The 1st in Indonesia and The 3rd in the world. The production and distribution channel for its product is in more than 130 countries and more than 18.000 employees are working on Perfetti Van Melle.
Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia (PVMI) is the biggest player in candy & confectionary industry with several popular brands such as Mentos, Fruitella, Alpenliebe, Big Babol, Center Fruits, Marbel, Happydent, Chupa-chups, Golia. PVMI’s products are distributed to all areas around Indonesia and several countries in the world.
In regards to support the continuous growth of our business activities, we invite high achievers to have career with us, as:
Area Sales Manager – General Trade
(Code: ASMGT Banjarmasin-0413)
Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan)
Should have extensive hands-on in managing the distributors
Leading, directing, & motivating distributor sales teams
Working & coordinating with RSM to generate sales opportunities, handling and resolving issue and target achievement
Bachelor degree in any background
Preferable age maximum 35 years old
Having minimum 2 years experience as Area Sales Manager in Food Manufacturing Consumer Goods Industry (Senior Supervisor with at least 3 years experience is welcome to apply)
Independent, good analytical thinking, problem solving and decision making skills
Having proven effective leadership, entrepreneurial, negotiation and team work
Fluent in English speaking & writing
Should you meet these qualifications, please send your complete application with recent photograph, and copies of professional qualifications to the address below not later than 2 weeks after this ads posted. Please put the code on the email subject. Confidentiality is assured.
Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM 47.4, Cibinong, Bogor 16912
Or email to: hrd.pvmi@id.pvmgrp.com
Penutupan: 29 Mei 2013
PT. Istidata Indopacific Solution Center adalah salah satu Perusahaan Jasa di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang IT Solution, maintenance, network, Hardware/software,Helpdesk dan Jasa. Saat ini kami membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang akan di tempatkan pada di daerah Banjarmasin – Kalimantan Selatan
Customer Service - Banjarmasin
Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan)
Penanganan customer
Pendidikan minimal D3 dari jurusan computer/informatika atau jurusan yang lain
Pria/Wanita max 28 thn
Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun atau fresh graduated
Memiliki dasar pengetahuan tentang komputer
Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik
Familiar dengan MS.Office
Senang dengan dunia service dan penanganan customer (customer oriented)
Good looking
Jujur, tanggung jawab terhadap pekerjaan
Lokasi penempatan Banjarmasin.
CV lengkap beserta foto dikirimkan melalui post atau email :
PT Istidata Indopacific Solution Centre
Jl. Abdul Muis 36 G-H,
Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10160
Telephone: 62-21-3848233,Fax: 62-21-3848620,
Email : Hrd@i2s.co.id
Penutupan: 19 Mei 2013
PT Dwidaya World Wide
Dwidaya Tour & Travel is one of the oldest and largest corporate & leisure travel agencies in Indonesia. Winner of numerous Top Ten agent awards from all the major airlines operating in Indonesia, Dwidaya Tour & Travel has also received the "Dirgen Parseni Cakra Empat" award, the highest award given by the Department of Tourism to the travel industry.
Ticketing Staff (BANJARMASIN)
Banjarmasin (Kalimantan Selatan) - Banjarmasin
Male/Female, max 35 years old
At least 1 year(s) of working experience as Ticketing Staff / Travel Consultant
Have Tourism education background is preferred
Able to do reservation using Abacus System
Willing to work in shift
Able to work under pressure
Please send your CV and Application Letter in
attachment and Word format, to :
Jl. Hayam Wuruk no. 121
Jakarta 11180
Email : hrd@dwidayatravel.com
Penutupan: 19 Mei 2013
Sekian Daftar Lowongan Kerja yang dapat kami berikan kepada Anda mengenai Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Banjarmasin Mei 2013,semoga informasi yang saya berikan bisa bermanfaat buat Anda.Good Job.
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