Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Balikpapan Mei 2013 - Pada hari ini kami akan memberikan Daftar Lowongan Kerja di daerah Balikpapan untuk bulan Mei 2013,Daftar Lowongan Kerja yang kami berikan ini untuk semua jenjang pendidikan mulai dari SMP,SMA/SMK,D3 dan S1 tergantung pihak perusahaan yang di inginkan.Dengan ini tidak menutup kemungkinan semua pendidikan dapat memperoleh suatu pekerjaan yang sepantasnya.Lowongan ini sangatlah cocok buat Anda yang bertempat tinggal di daerah Balikpapan dan sekitarnya.Langsung saja kami berikan Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Balikpapan Mei 2013 di bawah ini :

PT Datascrip
It’s Your Time To Shine
Datascrip adalah Perusahaan Marketing dan Distribusi, yang dikenal sebagai “ One Stop Business Solution ”, beroperasi selama lebih dari 43 tahun dengan memiliki lebih dari 1000 karyawan. Produk-produk berkualitas di Indonesia yang hadir melalui Datascrip antara lain adalah Canon, Stabilo, PaperOne, Asus, danErgomatic.
Kami mengundang para profesional dibidang pemasaran, penjualan dan layanan purna jual untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :
Business Executive (Sales – End User Untuk Wilayah Balikpapan)
Kalimantan Timur - Balikpapan
Max 30 tahun
Pendidikan Min D3, semua jurusan
Memiliki pengalaman min 2 tahun sebagai Sales. Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman penjualan ke Korporasi (Perusahaan Swasta / Isntitusi Pemerintahan / BUMN) melalui proses tender
Menguasai proses tender
Memiliki ketrampilan komunikasi dan negosiasi yang baik
Memiliki daya juang dan berorientasi pada hasil
Mampu mengoperasikan komputer, khususnya program Ms. Office
Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (Motor)
Bersedia di tempatkan di Balikpapan
Segera Kirimkan Resume dan foto terbaru, ke :
HRO Dept.
PT. Datascrip
Datascrip office Building
Jl. Selaparang Blok B.15 Kav.9
Kemayoran, Jakarta 10610
Penutupan: 19 Mei 2013
Perusahaan distributor bahan bangunan dan interior design pertama dan terbesar dengan 39 cabang yang tersebar diseluruh wilayah Indonesia membutuhkan profesional muda untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :
Sales Representative - Balikpapan
Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur)
Pria dan Wanita
Usia max. 30 tahun
Pendidikan min. SMA
Dapat bekerja sama sebagai tim
Dapat bekerja dibawah target
Jujur dan ulet
Memilki kendaraan sendiri & Sim C
Jika anda memenuhi kualifikasi diatas, kirimkan segera lamaran dan foto terbaru anda ke
Penutupan: 29 Mei 2013
PT Tira Austenite, Tbk
A holding Company with several subsidiaries, specialized in Trading, manufacturing and Industrial Gases is looking for a high caliber candidate to fill positions as follow :
Sales Engineer
(Based : Surabaya, Balikpapan, Makasar)
Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur)
Age :maximal 26 years old
D3/S1 in technical (Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial and Electrical)
Specific requirements:
Fresh graduate or minimum 2 (two) years experience as Sales Engineer
High achievement motivation
Able to work under target
Tough, strong leadership, creative, independent and result oriented
Good spoken both oral and written in English
Salary : 2.5 Mill – 3.00 Mill
Benefits :
Transportation allowance
Meal allowance,
Pulse allowance and vehicle (car/motorcycle),
Reward : enable to travelling to overseas or visit our principal in Europe or chinese if could meet the target.
Please Your application letter with detailed curriculum vitae, recent photograph, via email to :
Penutupan: 29 Mei 2013
PT KSB Indonesia
The KSB Group, head-quartered in Germany, with annual sales of about 1400 million euro, is one of the world’s leading producers of pumps, valves and related systems. At more than 30 sites in over 100 countries, around 13,000 employees are working to ensure customer satisfaction, to provide innovation and growth, and thus to secure our success.
PT KSB Indonesia is a group company owned by KSB AG, Germany. Presently PT KSB Indonesia has following vacant positions:
Sales Engineer - Balikpapan
Kalimantan Timur - Balikpapan
The successful candidates will selling our pump, valve and system product, looking for new customer and maintain existing customer. Achieve the sales targets with good profitability
D3/S1 degree in Mechanical Engineering or related field.
Male, Max. 35 years old.
3 years Experience as sales engineer for mechanical product, tools or spare part.
Have good customer networking in various industry.
Able to work with minimum supervision
Self motivated person
Computer literate
Fluent in English both oral and written.
Have driving license A or C
Will be based in Balikpapan
Willing to travel all of Indonesia area
If you Match with our requirement, please send your complete CV with detail previous and current job description and your current salary to:
Penutupan: 29 Mei 2013
PT Indobara Bahana
Our organization was established in 1970's. It started with an idea of preserving environment and society; we adapt our business according to the element that related with human's life (Water, Fire, and Environment). Our core business is including distributing, engineering, and procurement and contracting company for pumps, rotating equipment, fire protection, safety, security, environmental solution and services.
We strive to deliver the customers needs, service and solution throughout Indonesia by giving the high standard result. Our motto to be "One Team, One Plan, One Goal", because we believe in working together wholeheartedly, we can achieve great success. So, we challenge the Top Performer employee to join our great team to overcome the extremely rapid growth for the following positions:
Senior Sales Engineering - Balikpapan
Balikpapan (Kalimantan Timur)
Create a new business to achieve quarterly and yearly sales target
Maintain relationship with existing customer
Manage, coordinate and motivate sales team to achieve company's target
Male, max age 40 years
S1 Engineering form reputable university
Having experience as senior sales from construction or oil and gas industry
Having broad networking and good relationship with construction , oil and gas, mining company and government
Possess good knowledge about pump, fire system, safety and security, and constructions
Have driving license SIM A
Domicile and will be placed in Balikpapan
Those who are interested and meet the above requirement, please send your complete application letter, resume, a recent photograph, at email subject to:
PT. Indobara Bahana
Jl. Gunung Sahari no. 57G Jakarta Pusat
Close: 19 Mei 2013
Sekian Daftar Lowongan Kerja yang dapat kami berikan kepada Anda mengenai Daftar Lowongan Kerja Di Balikpapan Mei 2013,semoga informasi yang saya berikan bisa bermanfaat buat Anda.Good Job.
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