Nama Perusahaan : PT. Indoprima Gemilang
Deskripsi : Is a manufacturing company for automotive components such as : wiring harness, battery cable, combination switch, ignition switch, brake lining, clutch facing, both for domestic and export market all over the world.
Alamat :
Jl. Gardu Induk PLN No. 5 Margomulyo, Surabaya 60187, Jawa Timur 60187
Telpn. : (031) - 2977777
Fax. : (031) - 7491739
Lowongan untuk :
1. Ast. Manager Produksi (1 org)
2. Ast. Manager Accounting (1 org)
3. Ast. Manager Purchasing (1 org)
4. Ast. Manager Personalia (1 org)
5. SPV Produksi (2 org)
6. Staf PPIC (1 org)
7. SPV Maintenance&Enggineering (2 org)
8. Staf Personalia (1 org)
9. Staf Accounting (2 org)
10. Staf Purchasing (1 org)
11. Staf EXIM (1 org)
12. Security (2 org)
Lokasi Kerja di : Surabaya Gresik
Persyaratan :
- Pria (1-9), Wanita (1-12)
- Pendidikan SMU / SMK (12), Teknik Mesin / Industri / Elektro (1,5,6,7), Akuntansi (2,9), Manajemen / Psikologi / Hukum (4,8), D3 / S1 Segala Jurusan (3,10,11)
- Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun (5-12), minimal 3 tahun (1-4)
- Fresh Graduated are welcome to apply (5-7,9,11)
- Penempatan Surabaya (1-12), Gresik (5-8,12)
PT. Indoprima Gemilang
Jln. Gardu Induk PLN No. 5, Margomulyo, Surabaya 60187
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Tanggal Penutupan Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Maret 2013 31 Mar 2013
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