Kami adalah Platform e-commerce No. 1 dan salah satu perusahaan internet terbesar di Indonesia. Kami menyediakan sarana untuk melakukan jual beli online gratis bagi jutaan rakyat Indonesia. Bekerja untuk Tokobagus berarti menerima suatu tantangan dan memperoleh kesempatan untuk berinteraksi dengan orang2 terbaik pada industri ini, juga untuk membangun solusi yang akan digunakan oleh jutaan orang.
TokoBagus.com saat ini sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2013.
Untuk dapat terus memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada masyarakat yang berkembang pesat, kami membutuhkan:
Kualifikasi / Persyaratan Umum:
- Diutamakan lulusan Perguruan Tinggi (Sarjana atau D3/sederajat) dari universitas terbaik
- LAKI-LAKI, lebih disukai yang memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai Call Center Kartu Kredit atau sebagai Customer Service pada perusahaan telekomunikasi
- Memiliki keterampilan mengetik yang sangat baik dan cepat (good typing skill – min. 25 WPM)
- Memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang teknologi dan internet
- Lebih diutamakan yang memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun dalam bisnis/usaha penjualan/pemasaran dan/atau memiliki pengalaman dalam menjalankan bisnis/usaha Pribadi
- Bersedia bekerja dalam shift time dan bekerja lembur
Persyaratan Khusus:
- Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan dan jadwal yang ketat untuk memenuhi deadline
- Memiliki jiwa melayani (sense of service) yang kuat
- Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik dan serta dapat membuat satu keputusan/memecahkan satu masalah dengan baik dan cepat
- Memiliki tingkat perhatian yang tinggi terhadap details
- Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal, orientasi objektif, motivasi diri dan kerja sama tim yang baik
- Senang mempelajari sesuatu hal yang baru, selalu bersikap positif dan bersedia bekerja ekstra
Deskripsi Pekerjaan (Job Description):
- Bertanggung jawab secara operasional dalam merespon pertanyaan pelanggan (customer)
- Memberikan dukungan untuk inisiatif-inisiatif dan proyek-proyek baru untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggan (customer)
Organization Function:
- Reports to Chief Operating Officer (COO)
- Part of core management team, with influence on strategy and direction of the company.
Qualification/General Requirements:
- Bachelor degree from a reputable university
- Minimum of 2 years of experience in top manager position for business & strategic planning/project management/business process improvement/customer service and/or call center operations
- Total job experience of at least 7 years
- Preferably experience working in a fast growing Internet company
Specific Requirements:
- Experience with managing team of at least 25 employees (preferably 50+)
- Experience with multitasking job – high volumes of contact/actions to perform
- Experience with hiring massive people
- Experience with quality control of CS reps job or other QC-related tests
- Department/organization restructuring/development experience will be a plus
- Very good understanding of technology, including internet services, ‘power user’ of internet
- Very familiar with email usage (high preference)
- Native Indonesian language skills (perfect command in writing and speaking)
- Very strong English language skills (writing and speaking)
- Initiative, pro-active approach
- Able to work hard, even under time pressure
- Used to work in fast-growing environment
- Able to work and communicate well with non-Indonesian management
- Strong motivation and passion to work in Tokobagus
- Fast learner, detail-minded, consistent and very focused on quality.
Job Description:
- To join and lead the team with the free hand to review their fit/performance and task to restructure the department, introduce new work flows and hire more people, also for brand new positions.
- Monitoring the essential process running by the team to ensure the quality of the content with a lot of in-house built tools to master.
- Managing the team of customer service representatives and quality specialists
- Preparing hiring plan and responsible for hiring additional people and reviewing current staff based on their performance and team fit
- Organizing and executing the process of ensuring quality of the content, which is quite specific for our site; strictly related is email communication with customers affected by our quality actions
- Organizing and executing email (mostly) and phone (additionally) communication with users of the website
- Setting up the principles and detailed procedures for quality assurance and customers communication
- Organizing training and creating self-development opportunities for employees
- Cooperating closely with other departments in the company, e.g. marketing or IT/product
- Preparing reports for Managing Director
- Communicating with third-parties, including law enforcement and selected companies we cooperate with.
Organization Function:
- Reports to CEO/COO
- Min. of total 5 years of experience in data mining, analysis and reporting, preferably in a e-commerce or fast moving environment
- 3 to 5 years of Management Information System (MIS) experience is required
- High passionate with numbers (data driven)
- Experience in Project Management or Research will be an advantage
- Excellent communication, presentation and data visualization skills
- Experience in building and operating ‘data warehouse’ would be a plus
- High level of proficiency with Microsoft Excel, Visio, Word & PowerPoint
- Good understanding on database MySQL
- Ability to provide data-driven, informed recommendations and creative solutions to data challenges
- Ability to create structure around process to make them viable, efficient, and sustainable
- Solid understanding of online and offline marketing and analytics best practices
- A collaborative team player possessing the ability to partner with cross-functional teams
- Aptitude to balance multiple projects independently, both short and long term
- Bachelor’s degree in economics, statistics, accounting, business management or computer science preferred
- Ability to work independently in a high-performing, ever-changing environment
Other Requirements:
- Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
- Web Technology, Website Analysis
- Project Management, Research
- Executive Written/Verbal Communication Skills
- Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
- Process Documentation
- Pre. Exp. with on-line Account Management sites
- Research, analyze data-identify actionable results
- Team Player
Job Description :
- Responsible for data management, including data mining, data analysis and reporting
- Work closely with top management and provide solid data-driven, informed recommendations and creative solutions to management for decision making
- Monitoring the essential process running on the data sourcing, its infrastructure, data architecture and report generation
- Organizing, coordinating and synchronizing the team both of internal and external division to ensure well data management execution
Lowongan Terbaru 2013 TokoBagus.com November
Kami akan memberikan remunerasi dan benefit yang kompetitif kepada pelamar yang berhasil.
Kirimkan biodata (CV) terakhir anda secara lengkap kepada
hr@tokobagus.com , Cantukkan Kode Posisi di Subject Email.
Paling lambat tanggal 24 November, 2013
InfoLoKer “Lowongan-Kerja-Baru.info”: Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Lowongan Kerja TokoBagus.com November 2013 untuk Lowongan Kerja 2013
Lowongan TokoBagus.com November 2013
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