Lowongan CPNS Kabupaten Madiun 2013 Posted: 10 Oct 2013 07:00 PM PDT Berdasarkan surat Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Republik Indonesia tanggal 2 Oktober 2013 Nomor R/274.F/M.PAN-RB/10/2013 perihal Alokasi Formasi CPNS Daerah Tahun 2013 Untuk Pelamar Umum, Pemerintah Kabupaten Madiun memberi kesempatan bagi Warga Negara Indonesia yang memenuhi persyaratan dan memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan yang sesuai, untuk mengikuti seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Daerah Tahun 2013 dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut: Persyaratan Umum  |
Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ: Mechanics | Turbomachinery Maintenance Engineer Posted: 10 Oct 2013 09:20 AM PDT The PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ONWJ (PHE ONWJ) is located on the Offshore North West Java with current concession area is 8,279 km2, spreading from the north of Cirebon (West Java Cirebon) on to east to the Thousand Islands (DKI Jakarta). The ONWJ facilities consists of 11 flow stations with 37 platforms, more than 150 production platform NUI (Normally Unmanned Installation), approximately 700 active wells, around 375 subsea pipeline with approximately 1600 km in length, 3 ORF (Offshore Receiving Facilities) in Muara Karang, Tanjung Priok and Cilamaya, also 1 FPSO (Floating Production Storage and Offloading) as Ardjuna crude oil storage. Mechanics (Ops-2)  |
Schlumberger Indonesia: Field Specialist / Maintenance Technician | Field Engineer / Petro Technical Engineer Posted: 10 Oct 2013 05:31 AM PDT Schlumberger is the world's leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. Employing approximately 115,000 people representing over 140 nationalities and working in approximately 85 countries, Schlumberger provides the industry's widest range of products and services from exploration through production. Field Specialist / Maintenance Technician  |
Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia: Toyota New Employee Development Program Posted: 10 Oct 2013 01:33 AM PDT Toyota is the Largest Car Maker in the world. Toyota in Indonesia was established since 1971. For more than 40 years, Toyota Indonesia has commited to grow together with People, Society and Environment through manufacturing of Global Quality Product, by exercising Flexibility with Integrity. Currently we are seeking for potential candidates to join our Development Program as: Toyota New Employee Development Program for S1  |
ConocoPhillips Indonesia: 9 Positions Posted: 10 Oct 2013 12:17 AM PDT Headquartered in Houston, Texas, ConocoPhillips had operations and activities in 30 countries. In Indonesia, ConocoPhillips has been operating for more than 40 years and continues to grow and play a role as one of Indonesia's leading partner in meeting increasing energy demands by exploring new reserves as well as maximizing the value of existing core areas. We're searching for highly motivated, top-performing individuals who are seeking for the opportunity to develop, learn and grow with a dynamic and global company for the following positions. Electrical / Instrument Technician - Palembang  |
Pertamina EP: 6 Positions Posted: 09 Oct 2013 10:22 PM PDT Pertamina EP is a company engaged in upstream oil and gas sector in Indonesia. To achieve the vision of the company, Pertamina EP seeks to conduct more progressive and targeted exploration and production activities with high safety standards and quality, and competitive human resources. In order to meet the needs of reliable in quantity and quality employees, Pertamina EP opening career opportunities for Indonesian candidates to join us and will be placed all around Pertamina EP working area, with the terms and conditions as follows: Electrical Engineering (SF3) - Possess Bachelor degree majoring in Electrical Engineering (Powerline)
- 5 positions available
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