Our purpose is to create sustainable wealth for all stakeholders and to elevate Indonesia's level and status by utilizing scarce resources in a productive and efficient manner. And we shall achieve these objectives using our Core Values of:

Respect for People and the Environment, and
Continuous Improvement.
With this purpose in mind, supported by our debt-free Balance Sheet and a high cash balance position, we are ready and well positioned to grow our asset base for a brighter tomorrow.
We are now seeking the qualified for the following challenging position:
Assistant Workshop (Traksi)
Belitung (Bangka Belitung)
Usia maksimal 40 tahun
Pendidikan S1 Teknik Mesin/Mekanik
Berpengalaman menjadi assistant CWT minimal 3 tahun
Bertanggung jawab dalam pengaturan dan pengawasan unit transportasi perusahaan
Bertanggung jawab dalam pengontrolan dan perawatan untuk setiap unit kendaraan
Pernah mengikuti program-program kerja perusahaan seperti RSPO, SMK3, ISO1400
Kirimkan surat lamaran, Curiculum Vitae, Fotokopi Ijasah terakhir, Transkrip Nilai, Fotokopi KTP, Pasfoto terbaru ukuran 4x6 dan Surat Referensi Kerja bila ada ke :
Email : recruitment@anjagri.com
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